As the founder of I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of pastors to support them in various seasons of leadership transition. The most significant season of change is when a pastor feels the call from the Lord to transition from Local Church leadership to a more apostolic role. This letter is written in celebration of just such a transition, on behalf of my dear friends, Steve and Marci Fish.
As many of you know, Steve & Marci have been the senior pastors of Convergence Church for more than three decades and are now in the process of transitioning into a new season of ministry. Beginning in June 2022, Steve will transition into a part time role at Convergence as an apostolic advisor. Marci will transition out of Convergence staff entirely. This change has been in process for several years and has been beautifully walked out by the leadership at Convergence. I have been privileged to be one of those advising and walking this transition out with them.
While this transition has been happening for a while now with Convergence leadership team, Steve & Marci have continued to put all of their time and energy into getting everything into place for the church. Now we want to help them get everything into place personally as they move into their next season of ministry and leadership.
Steve & Marci have poured theirs lives out for Convergence, for their city, other churches and ministries, and in places around the world. We know many of you want to invest in this season of their life and ministry and we would like to give you an opportunity and avenue for this.
We have created a fund for their transition called the “Steve & Marci Transition Fund”. This fund will
enable them to have some rest time after 32 plus years serving as Convergence Senior Leaders
and give them the funds to launch into this next chapter of ministry coaching leaders and serving churches around the greater Body of Christ.
Our goal is to raise $100,000 to create this space for them.
You can give online using the QR code that will go direct to or if you prefer you can go directly to (click the “Give Online” button, then under “Fund” chose, “Steve & Marci Transition”. Write checks to Convergence Church and put “Steve & Marci Transition” in the memo line. Mail to Convergence Church, 5745 James Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76134
Thank you for considering in prayer this beautiful opportunity. Let’s bless their socks off!
Michael Brodeur